Our Mission

 As a team of interdisciplinary community organizations we strive to provide prevention and education to those who are experiencing or at risk of experiencing or perpetuating family violence, violence against women and/or Gender Based Violence. We will identify barriers and advocate for system change for the recognition of these identified types of violence as endemic.  

About Us

The Pictou County Interagency on Family Violence is an organization made up of community agencies who are committed to the elimination of family violence in Pictou County.

The following agencies are involved with the committee:

What is Family violence?

Family violence includes all forms of violent and abusive behaviours that occur within relationships. It includes deliberate neglect, sexual, emotional, psychological, and financial abuse; and threats of violence; as well as behaviour that is physically violent or abusive. Victims of family violence can include anyone, but most commonly, the victims are women, children and the elderly.

What is Intimate Partner violence?

Intimate partner abuse is about one person in a relationship using a pattern of behaviours to maintain power and control over the other person.  It can happen to people who are married or not married, heterosexual, gay or lesbian, living together, separated or dating. Intimate partner abuse happens regardless of culture, religion, age, income or education.

Need help?

There are resources here in Pictou County that provide support and outreach for female-identifying victims of violence and for male-identifying individuals perpetrating violence.

Reach out. We are here to help: Community Resources